anisaex Apr 04, 2020 09:09
favorite soups for my soul, *fandom, ~seiyuu, things to do when i need distraction, the fangirl within me is rising, ~mangaka, tango towards destruction, ~shipping, nisa is indeed insane, ~fangirl, ~music, nisa's endless suicide
anisaex Mar 09, 2013 21:19
*author: k.a. applegate, ~reading, *fandom: animorphs, /♥, yêu thương bất tận, nisa's endless suicide
anisaex Jul 12, 2011 12:38
my fandom is awesome, *fandom, ~fangirl, promos, *pairing: harry/draco, things nisa approves, nisa's endless suicide
anisaex Jul 11, 2011 12:12
my fandom is awesome, *fandom, promos, *pairing: harry/draco, tango towards destruction, pimp, ~fangirl, things nisa approves, nisa adores her friendlist, nisa's endless suicide
anisaex Apr 04, 2011 16:04
*character: kurapika-sama, 4/4, yêu thương bất tận, nisa's endless suicide